Message from Principal

Message from Principal

Dear Students and Parents,

I am delighted to take this opportunity to take Kathmandu School of Medical Technology to the journey beyond its Silver Jubilee. I see it as an occasion both to celebrate the past and look forward with hope to the future, to celebrate more of the Jubilees.

Founded in 2051, Kathmandu School of Medical Technology, is committed to imparting the qualitative technical education to help unleash the full potential in every student through combination of a host of academic, extracurricular and co-curricular activities. We believe in nurturing self-discipline, learning and self-dependency in the students so that they can overcome the challenges when they enter the real life.

It is not difficult to assume that parents/ guardians and students have a very hard time in choosing the
right college. With highly experienced faculties, sophisticated infrastructures, caring and encouraging
administration, at KSMT, we provide the right and conducive environment for students for learning
technical education and developing the intellect, wisdom and innovation. With focus on self-discipline,
we cultivate learning culture not only for college days but but for life.

Besides, we give equal focus to extracurricular and co-curricular activities for the holistic development
of the students. These activities help to unleash the hidden talent in the students so that they can make
their talent profession when they grow up.

Since Kathmandu School of Medical Technology provides an encouraging ambiance to the students
to pursue their technical studies, we believe any student will have no problem in acclimatizing to the
environment here and lay the foundation for future growth and development.

I look forward to welcoming you to Kathmandu School of Medical Technology for your exciting
academic voyage.

Thank you

Mr. Ranjit Thakur
Msc, Msc MLT( Gold Medalist)